Poems by Chuck Wright
2019 Feb 20
it’s mid-february
valentine’s reds and pinks
have come and gone ...
but surprises await along the trail
hidden beneath gooseberry and sage
a blackened branch from previous wildfire
sprouts forth a blaze of color
and sensuous folds
most brilliant of yellow-orange
atop the scorched black limb
recalls a more distant holiday
and aptly called witch’s butter
fruiting fungi bursting forth
from much needed winter’s rain
not to eat this luscious treat
but a feast for the eyes
a blaze of holiday color
for this winter’s celebration
2019 MAR 14
i saw the witch’s butter
i told of its worth
and then while diligently pulling sahara mustard
i observed that same sensuous shape upon the ground
I recalled christmas candy
tucked into that lidded glass candy dish
sitting on a doily
resting on the coffee table
in the mid ’50’s
in my aunt gladys’ living room
do you recall that hard candy
wavy like a scrunched ribbon
hard as a rock
sticky sweet
well, if you do recall
you would recognize this fungus too
except that this was wavy & dark &
the texture of at least 70% dark chocolate
it might have been witch’s chocolate
taste it if you dare