DNA Sequence Validation Corps

Protecting fungi means protecting our resiliency.

Photo by Gabriela D’Elia

While the cohort currently has no openings, the guidebook is open for you to study independently.

We invite and encourage you to study the same guidebook/protocol that is being used within the Volunteer Sequence Validation Corps. 

Program Goals

The DNA sequences of a mushroom provide a pivotal piece of evidence for the identification process. Interpreting a DNA sequence is as much an art as a science, as one must be able to weave together taxonomic, morphological, and geographical evidence with the sequence data to make a reliable identification. A bit like mushroom detectives, validators provide critical support in understanding fungal biodiversity.

The DNA Sequence Validation Corps is a program made in collaboration with Ohio Mushroom DNA Lab, Mycota Lab, the DNA Committee of North American Mycological Association, and Fungal Diversity Survey. The goal of this program is to provide the necessary information and support to allow interested individuals with any level of experience to learn how to validate DNA sequences, an essential step to understanding fungal diversity. 

Sequence Validation is an essential step in DNA barcoding fungi where we ensure each DNA sequence matches the specimen that was sequenced, and then determine the identity of that species based on the photos on the iNaturalist observation, the results of the DNA sequence, and the general consensus amongst members of the community. Sometimes, there are no matching DNA results and we must assign a temporary code name to identify this species. 

This program and its methodologies incorporate the combined experience and protocols of academics and amateur validators. We're excited to join forces and help our communities identify mushroom species

Cohort volunteer applications are open

We are currently accepting our first cohort of volunteers to learn how to validate fungal DNA barcode sequences. Application for the Corps includes a preliminary training program.

We accept applicants from any background.

Background information will be provided mostly by the Guidebook; however, the ability to coarsely identify fungi by sight is necessary to make accurate determinations. 

Once you have completed the preliminary training program, you will be invited to join the Volunteer Sequence Validation Corps and help validate sequences from a variety of sequencing labs including Ohio Mushroom DNA Lab, Mycota Lab, and Fungal Diversity Survey (FUNDIS). There is no obligation to join, and you may use the skills and knowledge you acquire to whichever end suits you. 

Preliminary Training Program

  1. Submit your Interest Form to the Corps via the Google form linked at the bottom of this page. Once you submit your application read the Volunteer Sequence Validator Corps Guidebook.

  2. Complete this Guidebook within a month.

  3. Attend two hands-on workshop meetings during the one-month open training session.

  4. Complete a final assessment with a 100% score. This assessment can be attempted as many times as is necessary.

  5. Once you complete these tasks you will get access to the Corps Slack Channel and our collaborative worksheets

What To Expect

The Corps is a collaborative environment filled with a cross-disciplinary melange of paraprofessionals who use a diverse bank of knowledge to synergistically tackle fungal species identification.

Volunteers are expected to:

  • Work independently and in groups

  • Communicate and collaborate via Slack

  • Attend one meeting a month

We expect everyone to follow protocol, but there will always be room to make improvements and polish our workflow.

View the protocol here to ensure it is a good fit before applying. 

Details about the self-guided training program

Prior to working with The Corps, volunteers will independently study the guidebook and attend at least two workshop sessions where they will be expected to share their screen while validating one sequence with the group as a learning opportunity in a supportive, constructive environment. The goal of the workshop sessions is for volunteers to see a variety of different sequences and strategies to solve them.

After completing two workshop sessions, volunteers will complete an assessment before being invited to join the Slack workspace, attend working meetings, and access our trove of sequence data. The assessment must be completed with 100% accuracy; however, there is no limit to how many times you can take it. The assessment step is a checkpoint to make sure you have digested the most critical concepts in the guidebook. 

The application window for the program will close once there are enough participants in each cohort, so please be considerate of others andonly commit if it's feasible for you to complete the guidebookand training in the one-month window.

If you missed the opportunity to join, you can still access all of the materials in the guidebook and apply what you learn to your own DNA barcoding adventures. 

Applications are currently closed, because the cohort is full. Please check back later!

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