FunDiS West Coast Rare Fungi Challenge
Keep adding your observations to iNaturalist OR Mushroom Observer!
How are the West Coast Challenge species selected?
Blog post by Else Vellinga - July 15, 2021
Help us find and document a target list of rare, under-documented or potentially threatened fungi. Scientists and conservationists need more data on these fungi in order to better understand and protect them. Your high quality observations can make a difference.
The West Coast Challenge Region:
4 States: CA, OR, WA, and AK
1 Province: BC
Participating is easy:
- Decide which of the fungi below might be growing in a habitat that you are planning to visit.
- Print out the information in the links for the species you’re interested in and bring it along, or have it handy on your phone.
- If you think you’ve found one of the Rare 20, follow the instructions on the pamphlet for each species. Consider emailing us at to let us know, and to ask any questions.
- We are also very interested in other fungi that you might find in these habitats. Consider joining our iNaturalist Project and sharing your observation there. Instructions are here, if you’re unsure how to do this.
- Please get a collecting permit if you’re thinking of visiting an area where collecting is restricted. More information can be found here.
Species List
Amanita pruittii
Arrhenia lobata
Bondarzewia occidentalis
Cortinarius sierraensis
Dendrocollybia pycnoramella
Dictyocephalos attenuatus
Hygrocybe flavifolia
Hygrophorus goetzei
Hygrophorus nemoreus var. raphaneus
Hypocreopsis lichenoides
Lactarius cordovaensis
Lactarius rubriviridis
Lepiota luteophylla
Neoalbatrellus subcaeruleoporus
Pachycudonia spathulata
Phellinus artemisiae
Pseudaleuria quinaultiana
Ramaria purpurissima
Stereopsis humphreyi
Volvariella surrecta
View or download the poster to print.
The poster is an easy-to-reference guide to all of the Challenge's 20 target fungi. The poster includes the Latin name, the common name, a photo, the habitat, and distribution location for each species.
The Meadow Amanita
(Amanita pruittii)
Region: Northern CA and OR
Habitat: Wet grasslands, disturbed land
Season: October - December
The Stalked Oddball
(Dictyocephalos attenuatus)
Region: CA, NV, AZ, four corners area
Habitat: Desert areas
Season: After spring rains/summer monsoons
The Yellow-gilled Cypress Lepiota
(Lepiota luteophylla)
Region: Northern CA
Habitat: Under Monterey cypress
Season: November - February
Manzanita Butter Clump
(Pachycudonia spathulata)
Region: CA coast range and Sierra foothills, maybe WA or OR
Habitat: Under Manzanita and Pacific Madrone
Season: Winter - early spring
The Ghost Funnel
(Stereopsis humphreyi)
Region: Pacific Northwest: OR, WA, BC, AK
Habitat: Coastal Sitka spruce forests
Season: Late September - December
The Lobed Oysterling
(Arrhenia lobata)
Region: Arctic and Alpine areas in the Pacific Northwest
Habitat: Wetlands, growing on moss
Season: May through August
The Short Branched Dendro
(Dendrocollybia pycnoramella)
Region: California (so far)
Habitat: Growing Out of the Decayed Remnants of Other Mushroom Species in Moist, Dark Areas of Mixed-conifer Forests.
Season: December & January
The Live Oak Waxy Cap
(Hygrophorus nemoreus var. raphaneus)
Region: California
Habitat: Coastal and Interior Live Oak Woodlands (Quercus agrifolia & Q. wislizeni).
Season: Winter
The Cordova Milky
(Lactarius cordovaensis)
Region: Alaska
Habitat: Hemlock and Spruce forests near glaciers
Season: Late summer to fall
Sagebrush Conk
(Phellinus artemisiae)
Region: California (so far)
Habitat: Associated with
Big Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata), which covers most of the dry west
Season: Winter - early spring
The Western Bondarzewia
(Bondarzewia occidentalis)
Region: Pacific Northwest
Habitat: Mature/old growth forests
Season: Fall in to winter
The Golden-gilled Waxy Cap
(Hygrocybe flavifolia)
Region: Northern CA, maybe OR
Habitat: Coastal redwood forests
Season: October - February
Little Blue Polypore
(Neoalbatrellus subcaeruleoporus)
Region: Northern CA, OR, WA and BC
Habitat: Under Western hemlock, Douglas fir, and other conifers
Season: September - January
The Purple Prince
(Ramaria purpurissima)
Region: Northern CA, SW Oregon and NW Idaho; WA?
Habitat: Old-growth Forests; under Red and White Fir, Western Hemlock and Douglas Fir
Season: Fall - early Winter
The Piggyback Pinkgill
(Volvariella surrecta)
Region: Forested mountain habitats from southern California to British Columbia
Habitat: Parasite on Clitocybe
Season: Fall
The Red Sierra Cort
(Cortinarius sierraensis)
Region: Sierra Nevada Mountains
Habitat: Wetter Micro-habitats in Subalpine Lodgepole Pine Forests
Season: Summer and Early Fall,
The Rosy Snowbank Waxy Cap
(Hygrophorus goetzei)
Region: West Coast
Habitat: Hemlock Forests next to Melting Snow
Season: Summer
Willow Gloves
(Hypocreopsis lichenoides)
Region: High Northern latitudes
Habitat: Dense Willow Thickets near Water
Season: All year
The Red-Green Truffle Milky
(Lactarius rubriviridis)
Region: Pacific Northwest
Habitat: Mid-to high-elevation forests under pine and true firs
Season: June
The Fuzzy Peach Cup
(Pseudaleuria quinaultiana)
Region: Pacific Northwest
Habitat: Old growth forests, with Douglas Fir, Sitka Spruce, and Western Hemlock.
Season: Spring
View the West Coast Rare Fungi Challenge Updates Archive.